Calathea Plant
The trend of caring for plants has been the trend in recent times. When people are compelled to stay at home more than the usual brought about by work-from-home setup and online classes, caring for animals has been one of the most effective therapeutic hobbies that people choose to do. For those living in areas where they may have a piece of land, it had become more accessible for them to plant almost anything. But for those who live in highly urbanized areas had to be creative in caring for their plants. They have to look for a plant that can survive even without receiving much such exposure. With this, one of the ultimate go-to plants is Calatheas.
Calatheas are perfect for small spaces, especially those who do not have the space to put their plants outside their homes. This plant also comes in different varieties, colors, and shapes – making it a fun plant to take care of and use as a decorative. This plant grows fast and produces almost endless leaves. Not to mention, it is also non-toxic, making it a safe plant option, especially if you have children or even plants at home. With very minimal effort, you will be surprised at how Calatheas can make your home a breather of fresh air while making sure that its aesthetic vibe brings a homey feeling to your abode. Here are the different aspects that you have to consider if you plan to have a Calathea plant.

Regular Calathea plants require at least 50% humidity, while other sensitive varieties need at least 60% humidity. So, how can you achieve this? The use of a humidifier will be a perfect idea – both of you can take advantage of the effects of the humidifier. What if you don’t prefer to use a humidifier? Well, another alternative will be to put your plant in a tray with pebbles or stones and water. The natural evaporation will then help the plant receive its needed humidity.
Minimal Light
One of the mistakes of plant owners is that they tend to put the Calathea plant directly under the sun. Due to excessive heat, the leaves are naturally bleached and eventually dry. The best spot for your Calathea plant is inside a room or a place where it will only receive low or bright indirect light. You have to consider the color of the leaves. The darker the leaves are, the lesser light exposure they need.

Calathea plants enjoy moist soil. Mixing 50% potting soil with 20% orchid bark, 20% charcoal, and 10% perlite will give your plant the much-needed care it deserves. Consistently checking if the plant is moist is a good practice. All you have to do is stick your finger into the soil and feel it. If you think it is a bit dry, then it is time to water the plants.
Type of Pot
Calathea plants will survive in both plastic or terra cotta pots – so long as it has holes in it. The holes will help the plant get rid of excess water, making it less prone to rotting roots. One advantage of going for terra cotta pots is that they will keep your plant naturally moist. You have to make sure that it won’t be exposed directly under the sun, for it can also cause drying through heat accumulation.

Living in highly urbanized areas may mean that the tap water is chlorinated. Therefore, some measures should be taken before using such chlorinated water in watering the Calathea plants. Fill the watering can and leave it overnight. The next day, it will be good to go for watering the plants. Leaving it overnight will naturally dissipate the chlorine. If this will not be possible, using filtered and even distilled water may be an alternative.
Common Issues
Observe your plants. If the leaves are turning brown, it means that they are not receiving enough humidity. If the tips of the leaves are turning brown, it may indicate that the water you use in watering the plants may contain excessive minerals. Another issue to look for may be fungus gnats. These tiny insects may be a nuisance intending to your plants. To address this, try watering the plant from the bottom instead of the top.

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