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Alocasia Black Velvet Care | Plant Guide

Alocasia Black Velvet Care | Plant Guide
Alocasia Black Velvet

Plant Care: Black Velvet Alocasia

One of the usual home plants I have seen for the past year is the Black Velvet Alocasia. Well, with its exotic beauty and captivating color and texture, I am sure that you will also want to have this kind of plant at home. Its succulent-like leaves make it unique as compared to other species of alocasia. In this article, I will be sharing the plant care information you need if you ever plan to have this beautiful plant a home. 

Fertilizers as Boosters

Use very minimal fertilizer after watering because this can spare the plant’s roots from being burned due to the overdosage of the fertilizer. Doing it at least once a month will do. If it is cold season, then there is a need for you to stop using fertilizers for a while. 


This plant loves humidity. It can thrive in 40% humidity, but its total growth and potential can be seen in the 60% to 75% humidity range! You can either group the plants together to get the humidity they need. Alternatively, the use of a home humidifier can also help these plants. If the edges of the leaves turn brown, it means that the plant is struggling to get the needed humidity.

Alocasia Black Velvet


The Black Velvet Alocasia needs medium to bright indirect light. Do not put it directly under the sun, for it can damage its leaves. Yes, that’s how a bit sensitive this plant is – just like other Alocasia species. If it is outdoor, all you have to do is position it under the shade of other bigger plants. 

Soil Requirement

The Black Velvet Alocasia needs to have coarse soil inside a pot with holes for draining purposes. An acidic soil of 5.5 to 6.5 pH can bring lots of advantages to your beautiful plant, including some organic matter in the soil can also be a big help. 


This plant loves heat. So, the recommended temperature should be around 15ºC to 27ºC, anything higher than that, the better. If the temperature drops to 13ºC, then it is time for you to give your plant some TLC as a sort of protection. 

Alocasia Black Velvet Care | Plant Guide

Watering Guide

Comparing the Black Velvet Alocasia to other alocasia species, this plant requires less water. Though it needs to be moist, making sure that it is just enough to moist is crucial. This plant is particularly prone to root rotting when soaked in water for quite some time. If you see yellow spots on its leaves, these are indicators of inconsistent watering leading to root rotting. 

Is it Toxic?

Like other alocasias, this plant is toxic to animals and humans due to its calcium oxalate crystals. So, make sure to put it in a place where pets and children cannot get a hold of it.

The Black Velvet Alocasia is a beauty to behold. With proper care and tending, I am sure that you will get used to its delicate condition. Good luck! 

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